Monday 11 April 2016

Connecting Essay Two


This image was created by Jess Morgan, I think it is an interesting piece which shows a relationship between possibly two siblings. The little boy is showing his sister the flower from the plant. This represent their innocence and purity. I think this image shows how us sibling help shape us and help us grow and develop through their increased understanding and different views on life. The boy is shown to be older than the girl and showing her something innocent within the world I think this shows how older brothers can be protective and hide their young siblings from the harsh reality and let them believe in a perfect world.

Although the image to the right does not clearly represent the exact relationship between the two men when I took the image they gave me the impression that they was brothers. Under this assumption I think this image shows how siblings relationships develop and how it can go from fighting over a toy to sharing lunch during their breaks at work. Demonstrating how relationships change as we grow and how we develop as people and mature. I also think this image shows how we pick up habits which are sibling has because of how both men appear to have positioned their legs the same way.


In my opinion these images connect due to the way in which they both represent a relationship between two sibling. I think the images placed together show the development of relationships and how people grow and bond with their family. I think a strong contrast is shown by how the background changes from a colourful field to a city surrounding, enhancing this idea of change and growth. 

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