Monday 11 April 2016

Connecting Essay Four

I really like how Jason Travis creates this image and how he displays small belongings which reflect the persons personality. The background of the images suggest it has been taken in a park. In my opinion this is very effective in showing the girls personality and interests. The small bag suggest the belongings being shown is what she would carry around with her when she goes out to play. It appears that natural lighting has been used to create these image, I think this helps to create a very calm atmosphere. I like how the belongings are positioned and I feel it is very eye pleasing the way in which they are all in line and positioned. Also I think the position of the girl is very affective and I like the way in which her hair is wind swept helping to show this idea that the images were taken outside. I think by showing these belongings as shown above within the setting (a park) helps to show the girls interests because you see the belongings which she would normally carry around with her when she goes out play. 


Image from Shoot 2
I created this image within my second shoot, which was actually inspired by Jason Travis. The person within the photograph is me, I used a tripod and time delay to take the image. I chose an interesting back ground which displayed depth of field due to the hobby which I was displaying. I like how this shows a variety of colours and textures within the image which could be a variety of places to take images relating to the hobby being shown through the possessions in the image. I took the bottom image within the studio. I like the positioning of the items as they are very organised showing how much care they have for their equipment.


Both images are in the same style. These two images link because of the way in which one image is influenced by the other. I like how Diptych has been used by both the images. Diptych has also been used in a different format compared to what is normally expected, Diptych are normally showing two images positioned next to each other however these show one images placed underneath the other. I think this shows how the person within the top image of the Diptych has possession over the items displayed within the bottom image reflecting how the items are under their control.

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