Monday 11 April 2016

Connecting Essay Three


This animation is from Jim Goldmen's relics of technology series. I like how this image shows a past possessions which some had. I think this animation has been put together well and has a smooth transition between each frame. Producing a realistic image of how the old project would have been used and played. This projector consists of dark grey's and blacks however colour is brought to the image through the pale blue background. The background helps to show the project more clearly and enhance the movement of the object compared to what a black or white background would. 


I took three images for the record player, each time moving the record slightly round. I then adjusted them within Photoshop to create the following animation. I like how the movement is displayed within the image. I like how this images shows a past possession which at one point meant a lot to someone. The up coming generation may be clueless about what a record player is and how it works. Therefore, I think it is interesting how the animation allows people to see how it would set up and how it would work.


In my opinion the two images connect because of the way animation is used to display how an old item is used/functions. I find it interesting how possessions over different generations have changed and how an item which once meant so much to someone now has very little important or value within their life. The first image was by Jim Goldmen, he inspired me to create the images I did for my third shoot within my exam which is where my image that I  spoke about above is from. Therefore, the images link due to how one image was influenced by the other. 

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