Thursday 14 April 2016

Computer Experiments

For this computer experiment I just added a photo filter which was cooling blue. This helped to create a cool atmosphere and reduce the bright tones created from the sun light at the time I took the image. I like the effect it has created and how it has helped to create a more calming and relaxing atmosphere which is what I was aiming for with this image. This image would still closely link to my project due to the very little amount of editing I done on the piece.


For this effect I added a posterise filter. This was very simple to do and required no further adjustments. I like how this image helps to show each person more clearly. This effect has enhanced certain colours and tones to create a slightly more interesting image. I also think it helps to show the movement of the people well and appears more like an action shot.


I created this image to enhance the initial message I was trying to portray. I was trying to show how people use whatever they have to try and gather money to feed themselves and potentially their families. This man is on the streets trying to collect money from something is he doing. For this effect I adjusted the exposure as shown in the screen shot. I then added a layer and placed a white box around the feature which people are placing money in. I then deleted a selection of the contrast layer so the feature could be seen more clearly and stands out even more from the rest of the image. This effect has helped to enhance the original idea and meaning behind the image as this is highlighting the object which the man was collecting money in as this is the reason why he is on the streets trying to gather money from his skills.

For this computer experiment I added a colour balance adjustment after I added a levels and a curves adjustment. The settings for the colour balance are shown within the screenshot. I chose to do this as I wanted to experiment with this colour balance feature. I like how it can change and adjust tones within the image and create a cooling atmosphere like shown above. This was used to represent people and their vehicle, however this particular image also represent a persons job. I like how the cool atmosphere has helped to enhance how the man is calm and relaxed unlike many other people within their work place. Showing that the man has a carefree attitude and response to everyday life. Producing a message that everyone should appreciate what they have and think of the positives and not the negative sides of life.



I am extremely pleased with this image and I like the finial outcome this computer experiment created. I think it represents people and possessions well as the person is shown through the outlines of her possessions. It demonstrates a hobby or career someone has. I created this image by placing two individual images on a new document placed on top on one another. I then changed the blend option to screen, as shown in the screenshot to the left. I really like the way in which certain textures are shown on the image due to the blending of the two pieces. 

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