Thursday 18 February 2016

Work Diary- Shoot 3(People and basic possessions)


I wish to capture people using basic items within this shoot. I hope to achieve some images which show different people using small belonging.


The young women displayed to the left is shown to be on her phone. To most teenagers and young adults a phone is seen to be as one of their most important possessions. The women is surrounded by famous landmarks and blue skies yet is focus on her phone. I think this displays the negative impact that technology is having on today's society. I took this image from a distance and zoomed in with my camera then also cropped the image within Photoshop. I used a focal length of 55mm with a f setting of 11. The natural lighting at the time I took this image was very good and created a strong shadow behind the girl, therefore no flash was required to capture this image. I am really happy with this image and I believe it demonstrated a strong issue within today's society in a subtle way. 

In my opinion, the book the man is reading represents a small possession which allows people to escape. People often surround themselves with expensive belongings and an excessive amount of possessions to make them feel better and satisfied with life. I think this images shows a man focused on a single possession which often hold very little value. I think the two types of images which is related both displayed a different message however have created a strong contrast within the shoot. I planned to show two types of possessions however I think the age different between the models within the two images enhance the change through generations. Showing what people are more interested in and how different age brackets would rather spend their time. This show the stereotypes of how middle aged adults may rather spend their time engrossed in a book whilst potentially increasing their knowledge or understanding. Whereas teenagers are more focused on the drama of their favourite celebrities lives and keeping up to date through social media. 


I really enjoyed capturing people in a natural environment without their knowledge, I think it creates more natural and realistic images. I prefer these natural images compared to taking images of a model set up within a studio. Therefore I plan to continue with location shoots displaying people and their different types of possessions. 

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