Thursday 4 February 2016

Photographer Research- Jim Golden

Why I chose Jim Golden

I chose Jim Golden due to how he positioned and photographed certain objects. He had a vast amount of work on still life and peoples collections. One project which interested me the most of 'relics of technology'.


I would assume the possessions being shown belong to a man who enjoys the outdoor and music. I like how the belongs give an insight to the person and their hobbies. The items suggest the person enjoys being outdoors and singing next to a camp fire. I think the way in which the wood and rope has been used to display the peoples possessions is very creative and cleaver. The rope would link back to the mans possessions, as rope is often an essential when going on an outdoors trip. Also the wooden block has helped to enhance this interpretation that he enjoys sitting at a campfire as this could be classed as an outdoor stool. I like the way in Jim Golden has incorporated the outdoors along with the possessions of the outdoors. 

This is an interesting animation which displays an old fashioned projector. This animation is  take from his series title 'relics of technology'. This series of images in very interesting to me as I think is displays how possession shave changed over generations due to technological development. I like how Jim golden has created an animations from this old projector, I think it creates a more interesting and effective image due to the way in which it displays how the item would have been used. A pale blue background has been used to highlight the object and make it stand out more, I think this background was used to add colour to the image as the project its self consist of greys and blacks. 

Although this image does not directly link to people and possessions I think it shows how people gift and share possessions. It is seen as manors to give a person a gift on a special occasion. This image shows a transfer of possessions. Gifted possessions often hold more sentimental value then if a person had bought the item themselves. I think this demonstrates how when we gift items we add value to them through the memory which the person has of receiving them. In my opinion the ribbon attached to the gift, which is linked to something above the image, represent this extra value and how it now links two people together through the sharing of a possessions. I think the focus and positioning of this image is good. I like how the arm is cut off by the ribbon and not the edge of the image, I think this helps to keep a focus of the gift and the hand hand itself instead of the arm. 

This image shows a collection of padlocks. I think by looking into collections of people we can see their interest and have an insight to their past as we can guess what they have spend time collecting. However, we could assume this is a collection of many different peoples possession which then shows a contrast to what people own. I like the positioning of each object and how organised the image appears because of it. Jim golden has a selection of image like this, in my opinion they work so well due to the layout and positioning of each item. I think these are extremely interesting images as it shows a contrast of belongs as well as provide a general idea of a hobbies/ obsession someone has. 


Jim Golden's work on collections inspired my shoots for my exam. The position of his items within his series also helped me within my first two Jason Travis based shoots. 
Below is a link to a connecting essay which demonstrates the positive impact Jim Golden had on my work. 


To summaries Jim Golden I would say he is a very intriguing photographer which has worked on a variety of ideas and expresses his creativity within his photographs. His work influenced my exam which I felt was very successful and I enjoyed. I am therefore grateful I looked into his work as he has been a very influential photographer which I have enjoyed researching

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