Thursday 11 February 2016

Work Diary- Shoot 1 (people and laid out possessions)


For this shoot I plan to take a few images based on some of Jason Travis work, to the left is an image which I have used for inspiration for this shoot. My work will be influenced by Jason Travis composition and use of Diptych.  I hope to produce selection of images involving multiple possessions laid out, displaying a collection of peoples items. My main goal for this shoot is to get an initial feel for this particular topic.


I first decided to create this image to show my little sister with some of her belongings which she uses to complete her homework. I like how the two images have been placed and how the belongings are positioned underneath her. This image is very similar to Jason Travis work due to the position of the two images in this particular Diptych. I took this image within my bedroom with natural lighting, the lighting and colours which this natural lighting created allowed me to edit the image and change it into black and white to create a more interesting and appealing image.

I took this image to display a student at work. I took all the items scattered around her work space and lined them up in front of her computer. I like how this image turned out and how the natural lighting highlights the girls face. Although it is natural lighting which brightens up the girls face I think it helps to suggest how the girl is focused on the computer screen and reminds me of many movie scenes where the persons face is lit up by the computer screen. I placed these images next to each other instead of on top of each other as I felt it was more appropriate and worked better for these two particular images. 

Below is a link to how I created these Diptych images and created this structure within Photoshop.


I am going to carry on with a Jason Travis inspired shoot. I plan to take the photographs of the objects within the studio and the images of the models in a variety of locations. I really like photographing and editing using this technique. 
Below is a link to a previously created technique page which describes how to make a basic multiple imagery(Or in this case diptych)

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