Thursday 10 March 2016

Work Diary- Shoot 8(People and their relationships)


For this shoot I plan to show different peoples relationships. Jess Morgan influenced this shoot because of her work with children and families. I plan to capture realistic images which are not staged and show peoples relationships. I will being taking these images in a city.


When I was out shooting I was lucky enough that there was a recently married couple out taking some wedding pictures. I like how this image represents three different generations and three different types of relationships. On the left hand side it shows a mother with her baby seated within their pram, this shows a relationship between a mother and her young developing child, suggesting they have a playful relationship which brings them both joy. People can often interpret possessions as something or someone you have responsibility for, therefore this mother and child displayed within the image would display People and Possessions because a mother has a large responsibility for her child. Slightly off centre is the women in her wedding dress along with what appears to be a friend, this shows a different type of friendship and would suggest to  me how the two share many memories together. People often have their friends possessions as they have been left with them or shared with them for example a friendship bracelet. In my opinion by seeing this friendship between the girls it makes me think about all the belongings which they share and memories that they have made together which go along with them. To the right hand side of the image there is a women in a wheelchair with a person who could be her son pushing her. Although this is another parent and child relationship, I believe it is showing a different stage within this parent and child relationship. These two people represent how possessions and relationships change. As people age they lose certain abilities which they once took for granted. For example, people go from driving people around to needing help to get around themselves and from creating crazy memories with friends to hold onto them due to their current limitations such as old age or disabilities. Overall I really like this image and I feel there is many interpretations and messages which could be inferred from it, this is what intrigues me the most about the piece. An overall idea of development and growth is displayed within the image. The change of possessions is represent by how the image shows different people from right to left. It turns from the main belongings being a pram to a wedding dress then a wheelchair. This shows certain stages within a persons life. A person goes from being very needy and reliant on another person to leaving their parents behind by starting a new chapter in their life and getting married to then having to rely on people again. I am most impressed with the lighting and shadows within this image and how only used natural lighting to captured this image.

I took this image to show the loss of a person and how people remember them. When people lose someone close to them they often buy items to help keep their memory alive and show respect, this being candles, framed photos and even flowers which they liked. Although I do not think of people as possessions I think that this image still represents People and Possessions as it shows how someone has lost a person and  had an impact on their life. In my opinion a possession could be seen as a person or object which has an impact on your life. Each flame within the image displays a different persons grieving process and how they are trying to keep the light (memory) of the persons life alive and think about all the times which they brought them happiness and guidance. A very bright candle is placed on top of multiple burnt out candles, in my opinion this displays how each time a candle burns out a person would relight a new one again in the person honour. this is to keep their memory burning. I would link this image to people and their relationship as it shows how people hold on to emotions and relationships after people are no longer in their life or died.


I found this area of People and Possessions to be extremely interesting to explore as I was able to show a variety of different relationships. Also I was able to demonstrate an old fashioned belief that once married a wife becomes the mans possession. 

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