Thursday 3 March 2016

Work Diary- Shoot 6(People and vehicles)


Cars are a large possession which are important in many peoples lives for a variety of reasons. Restoring an old Classic car could be a hobby of someone's as they like to learn how the car is put together and build it so there is a connection with the owner and possession. The restoring of Classic cars might not be just for their enjoyment but also as a career. For example, a person could have hired them to restore their cars for them because they might not have enough the time themselves or the knowledge to do so to a good quality and this shows that the person takes pride in their car and wants it at the best quality. People have careers in fixing and maintaining cars as everyday people rely on them for many reasons, big or small. Also cars are an important belonging for young adults as it may be the first sense of freedom they feel as they still live at home with carers or family and now have the opportunity to get them self's around and have some more freedom.


When I originally start this shoot I was going to shoot just people and their vehicles, however once I was out shooting I found that cars are not the only form of transport people use. When I was looking out for people and their cars I realised the variety of vehicles which are available. I adjusted my original aim for this shoot and widened my ideas to include any form of transport allowing me to show a contrast within my images.

I was intrigued by the scene shown to the left, it displayed a man with a form of transport which was also how he earned money. This is popular in city's and is often seen as quite a romantic way to travel. I decided to take this image to show many possessions link to people jobs. For this image I used my flash to enhance the man features. I think this worked well and I like the way in which his shoes have reflected the light and created this bright glare. In my opinion the second man positioned to the left of the bike is a very interesting character and helps to show a contrast. A contrast between the men is created and shows the difference between men who have a very physical and active job compared to many desk based careers. This interpretation comes from the exhausted expressed on the mans face to the left compared to the relaxed man running the large bike. This could also demonstrate how people travel differently, the man to the left is probably used to travel by a car which requires very little effort whereas the other man travels by bike for his job and is potentially much more active and therefore fitter.

I really like how this image represent a family with a lot of money and how they travel. This is a big example of how people own different possessions. I think this shows how some people spend their money differently and how the possessions which they've bought affect their lives. An everyday working class family would not be able to stop their lives and take a day trip on a boat as they have a commitment to their jobs, However this image shows how these people may be very high up managers or CEO's of companies and can take the day to relax on their boat.


For my next shoot I plan to take images of people and their pets. I wish to focus on the animals themselves and show them separate from their owners. I think this shoot went well and I like the images which I captured. I think many have a much deeper meaning then what first meets the eye and tackles problems within society and the different ways in which people live.

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