Monday 7 March 2016

Work Diary- Shoot 7 (People and their pets)


I decided to take a selection of images showing people and their pets. The idea of this shoot was influenced by Elliot Irwitt, a suggested photographer within the exam paper. I have decided to focus on the animals instead of the owners as I think this would be interesting to show the animals as an individual instead of how they are heavily relent on an owner. 


I  like how the two images to the left show an animal in a very natural background. I took these images to represent people and their pets. The images show a domestic cat and dog. I like how in both images the animal is placed in the central of the photograph, creating a good composition and keeping the animal as the main focus.  I enjoyed taking these images however they are very basic images.

I created this image as I thought it was a good representation of people and their pets. I think this shows how the owner has control over the dog and their responsibility for the animal. I interpreted this because of how the girl is walking the dog as if it is her job and responsibility. Showing how an animal comes with commitments. I like the framing of this image and the focus.

Below is a link to how I created the following Triptych image and created this structure within Photoshop.


I enjoyed this shoot and think I did create some good images. I like this idea of representing people and their relationships with their animals. I find it intriguing how a relationship can be seen as a possession and something we have control of through our actions and therefore I am going to processed by looking into people and their relationships with people. 

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