Monday 1 February 2016



People: Human beings in general or considered collectively.

Possession: Something that is owned or possessed.
                  The state of having, owning, or controlling something.

Describing words:
  • Materialism 
  • Materialistic 
  • Responsibility
  • Selfish 
  • Social 
  • Belongings 
  • Family
  • Emotion weight 
  • Nostalgia
  • Sentimental Value 
  • Vintage 
Annotated Pictures

This piece was created by Darragh Casey. He has a few pieces similar to this but involving different people and objects. Darragh Casey carried out this project when he was a student. I find it interesting due to the unique set out of the shelves which hold up not only their belongings but the people themselves. This could be interpreted that people are often seen as possessions which others can move from one shelf to another without their consent or even thought about their well-being. However the complex layout of the shelves challenges this and goes against this idea as it would take a great deal of effort to move the people. I like Darragh Casey's input into the topic People and Possessions and how he has taken on the idea. Reflecting the variety of ways in which people interpret the idea of People and Possessions.

This image is an example of Jason Travis work. He has a large amount of images in a similar style involving different people and their possessions. This particular layout of images can be known as a Diptych. This selection of Jason Travis's work shows how he experiments with different people and shows a contrast of people and often tests society's stereotypes of people. I like the way in which he has involved a wide depth of field within the image of the person. I think this style helps to highlight main features of the person.

Peter Menzel created these two pieces. I think that these two have been placed together to represent a contrast between the items people have in different locations. Also showing the appreciation that different people have for their own items and how people in different locations value the items that they hold. Some view the amount as not important and care more about the people that are close to them, this is displayed within the image to the right. However the image to the left displays peoples obsessions to gather unnecessary objects. The people within the left image are also hard to see an find, this lack of focus on the people suggest how the people value and see their possessions as more important than others. Also showing how people in certain locations are judged differently, the people in the left are judged on their belongings whereas the people on the right could potentially be judged on their hospitality and kindness. This interpretation of the left image comes from the positions of the people placed behind certain belongings which would help feed their family or others. The images show a typical large american house which people would expect to hold a large amount of valuable items and the other showing the poverty which show a small house which people wouldn't expect to hold a large amount of valuable items within it.

This interesting and unique piece was created by Praew Suntiasvaraporn. This image was found when searching Materialism. This is a good representation of how people are often seen items. This image shows the women as a item which can just be given a bar-code and a number and be seen as a possession and not an individual person who can not be bought.

Real Example

A Great Grandmothers wedding ring that has been been passed down through the generations as a tradition as the possession hold sentimental value.

Own Definition
  • An object, person, pet or emotional state of being which has a strong bond with the person and has an effect on them. 
  • Having the ability to control another being or situation. 
  • Responsibility of an object or being 

1 comment:

  1. a very good post, but please correct for spelling and grammar e.g. american and "I find it interesting on the unique set out of the shelves which hold up not only there belonging but the people themselves. "
