Monday 18 April 2016

Finial Project Evaluation

For this exam unit I first decided to explore my options my looking into the suggested photographers for three of the questions. Through the process of elimination I decided on people and possessions. I feel overall I have researched and displayed this topic in an interesting way which could appeal to others. 

I started my research by looking into 20 photographers. I then narrowed these 20 photographer into 5 main photographer which I based a series of shoots and ideas on. One of my first photographers was Jason Travis. My first and second shoot was based on Jason Travis work. I feel that I used and approached his technique in a good way and under his influence create a selection of strong images which I am pleased with. Jim Golden and Henrik Bonnevier are  two of the photographer which I researched which heavily influenced my 15 hour exam. Jess Morgan was another photographer which I decided to looking at within further depth. Her images displayed relationship between family. I thought this was a very intriguing concept which i wished to used within my project. I therefore based my 8th shoot, which showed people and their relationships, on her work. My last photographer was Tobias Lang, what caught my attention most about this photographer was his work with people and their pets. I liked how pets can be seen as a possession of peoples due to the responsibility which people have for them, for this reason I decided to capture people and their pets, however I approached the idea in a slightly different way. I initial planned to take image in a similar style to Tobias Lang, unfortunately I didn't have access to the resources required to take the images, I therefore chose to do a shoot showing the pets in general with the off appearance of their owner. 

For most of my shoots within this project I took spontaneous images which reflected a natural surroundings. I chose to capture a real moment in time instead of having many shoots based within the studio as I liked the outcome of shoots when on location and capturing people within their day to day life. I think this realistic aspect and lack of posed models helps to create an effective image. 

After I had fished all my shoots I then had my exam. I think my best shoot from the exam was the third shoot where I explored music through different generations, showing how possessions have changed throughout time due to discoveries and advancement within technology. My overall idea for my exam was to research collections. I decided to move onto collection  for my exam as I had shown what people carry on a day to day basis as well as relationships and methods of transport and then wished to show what people keep at home on display or boxed in a cupboard. I think by showing collections it allows people to see what the person has spend time collecting and finds interesting. I think this is an interesting insight into a persons interests, hobby's and their past. 

To conclude I have enjoyed research and creating my own images for this project. I feel I have approached the question in an interesting way which reflect my style of work and interests. I am pleased with my finial pieces and series of images produced from each shoot. 

1 comment:

  1. Please ensure that work is reviewed for grammar "think by showing collections it allows people to see what the person has spend time collecting and finds interesting."

    Please also ensure that the work has been evaluated using the guidelines provided in qube. you need to have an overview on how your work has progressed, aesthetically and technically… Your comments on the photographers that you have emulated are a little confusing at the present time, I think a little more elaboration is necessary through the addition of more text or the provision of visual examples.
